The Last Picture of my Belly 16w 3d

2014 November 05

Created by Kayla 8 years ago

"Now that you're 16 weeks pregnant, things are getting pretty exciting. You may have another prenatal visit this week, where you will get to hear your baby's heartbeat again. Even more thrilling, will be feeling baby kick, which could happen starting this week, so pay attention to those subtle feelings in your 16 weeks pregnant belly. Another cool fact? Baby's starting to be able to hear your voice- and she will recognize it at birth-so feel free to chat baby up any chance you get. 

At 16 weeks, baby is the size of an avocado, measuring 4.6 inches long and weighing in at 3.5 ounces.

The best news of the week? Once your OB sees a normal 16 week pregnant ultrasound, your chance of miscarriage drops to only 1 percent. Breathe a sigh of relief!"


I guess someone has to be a part of that 1%...........


On November 5th, 2014, I took the last picture of my pregnant belly
